
Proudly……That Bitch!

Are Pocket Pussies Really Worth It?

If you are reading this post, I assume there is a good chance you have browsed a few and found yourself intrigued but hesitant because maybe you aren’t sure they are worth the money. The answer is, YES! If you take the time to find the right one that works for you, they are worth…

10 Most Googled Sex Questions

It’s hard to remember what life was like pre-Google. All of the answers to our questions are just a few keyboard clicks away. It’s not surprising that people take to the tried and true method for answer seeking and ask the questions that they are afraid, ashamed or too embarrassed to ask anyone else. Interestingly,…

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  1. Hey, I found your website from a quora post, and I truly appreciate your sex-driven advice. I have always contemplated purchasing a penis pump, but now I’m ready to buy one. Thank you, thatbitchonthenet,


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